Hill Country Ranch with Creek

Ranger Creek Ranch is located just 20 minutes from San Antonio and 5 minutes from Boerne in Kendall County. This Hill Country ranch offers breathtaking views of Ranger Creek Valley and is a great piece of Texas real estate! This ranch has paved road access and has strong year around water with falls, awesome building sites, and a lake are just some of these features this property offers. Ranger Creek flows directly through the property giving you ownership of both sides of the creek! Lots of wildlife, including a helathy white-tailed deer population, adorn this premier property This place can be broken into 25 to 70 acre tracts. Contact the the listing agent today.

Childress Ranch Investments

The experience of Childress Ranch Investments includes listings and sales in Central, South, Southwest, the Hill Country, and West Texas areas. This agent compiles detailed property information, knows the real estate industry, and can get along with people — the foundation of our farm and ranch real estate business. At Childress Ranch Investments, they work with brokers across the state to sell their listings and to find properties for clients looking for just the right ranch or farm.

Aggressive print media marketing along with a large database of buyers is also a hallmark of their business. Pertinent information on new listings is sent out regularly to buyers who have expressed interest in certain types of ranches in specific areas of Texas. Give them a call and discuss how they can assist you!