Predator Managment for Wildlife Valuation

Predator management refers to practices intended to manage the population of predators to benefit the owner’s target wildlife population. Predator control is usually not necessary unless the number of predators is harmful to the desired wildlife population. It really depends on your goals under the management plan you draft for your wildlife valuation

Predator control and management should not be counted as one of the seven wildlife management activities necessary to qualify for agricultural use appraisal unless it is part of a comprehensive wildlife management scheme or plan. Some types of predator management and/or control are:

  • mammal predator control
  • fire ant control
  • brown-headed cowbird control
  • grackle or starling control

Mammal predator control may be necessary to increase the survival of the targeted species. Key native predator species may include: coyotes; raccoons; bobcats and mountain lions; while exotic predators may include wild house cats, wild dogs and wild hogs.

Fire ant control (imported red fire ants) can be used to protect native wildlife species or their food base. Treatments should comply with the label instructions and should cover at least 10 acres or one tenth of an infested area each year—whichever is more.

Controlling brown-headed cowbirds to decrease nest parasitism of targeted neotropical bird species (for example, endangered songbirds) also may be part of an overall planned program.

Grackle/starling control can be undertaken as part of a planned program to reduce bird diseases and overcrowding, which can harm the population of white-winged dove and/or other neotropical birds.

Erosion Control for Wildlife Valuation

Any active practice that attempts to reduce or keep soil erosion to a minimum for wild animals’ benefit is erosion control. Some erosion control practices include:

  • pond construction
  • gully shaping
  • streamside, pond and wetland revegetation
  • establishing native plants
  • dike, levee construction or management
  • water diversion

Pond construction is defined as building a permanent water pond to prevent, stop or control erosion as an approved Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) watershed project while providing habitat diversity and benefiting wildlife. Whenever possible, owners should use ponds to help create or restore shallow water areas as wetlands and for water management.

Gully shaping involves reducing erosion rates on severely eroded areas by smoothing to acceptable grades and re-establishing vegetation. An area should be seeded with plant species that provide food and/or cover for wildlife.

Streamside, pond and wetland revegetation means revegetating areas along creeks, streams, ponds and wetlands to reduce erosion and sedimentation, stabilize streambanks, improve plant diversity and improve the wildlife value of sensitive areas. Some revegetation practices include:

  • building permanent or temporary fences to exclude, limit or seasonally graze livestock to prevent erosion
  • using hay (native, when possible) to slow and spread water runoff in areas where vegetation has been recently re-established
  • establishing plant buffer areas or vegetative filter strips along water courses or other runoff areas
  • installing rip-rap, dredge spoil, or other barrier material along embankments to prevent erosion and protect wildlife habitat
  • establishing stream crossings to provide permanent low water crossings to reduce or prevent erosion

Establishing native plants on critical areas is one method of controlling erosion. These plants also can provide food and/or cover for wildlife and restore native habitat. Some of the ways to establish these plants are listed below.

  • Establish and manage wind breaks/shelterbelts by planting multi-row shelterbelts (at least four rows that are 120 feet wide by 1/4 mile), renovate old shelterbelts (re-fence, root-prune and replace dead trees) and establish shrub mottes.
  • Establish perennial vegetation on circle irrigation corners by revegetating at least every other corner to reduce erosion and sedimentation, improve plant diversity and improve wildlife habitat.
  • Plant permanent vegetation on terraces and field borders to reduce erosion, improve plant diversity and improve wildlife habitat.
  • Conserve tillage/no-till farming practices by leaving waste grain and stubble on the soil surface until the next planting season to provide supplemental food or cover for wildlife, control erosion and improve the soil tilth.

Manage Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) cover by maintaining perennial cover established under the CRP on erodible sites using proper management techniques such as haying, prescribed grazing or burning.

Dike, levee construction or management is a way to establish and maintain wetlands or slow runoff to control or prevent erosion and to provide habitat for wetland-dependent wildlife. Levee management may include reshaping or repairing damage caused by erosion and revegetating levee areas to reduce erosion and sedimentation and stabilize levees. This practice may include fencing to control and manage grazing use.

Water diversion systems also can be installed to protect erodible soils and divert water into wetlands to provide habitat for resident and migratory water birds and wetland-dependent species.

Using Census Surveys to Qualify for Wildlife Exemption

Annual census of wildlife populations is a valuable tool for monitoring the stability, growth, and health of populations of many wildlife species. Conducting surveys on white-tailed deer populations is an important technique for proper management and harvest in Texas.

Other census techniques such as migratory songbird call counts, roadside quail surveys, time area counts for small mammals, and drift fences for reptiles and amphibians are just a few types of survey methods that may be used to estimate populations of other wildlife.

Determine the best census technique for the target wildlife species found on the property and keep good records.