368 Acre Ranch for Sale Near Santa Anna

If you are looking for land near Coleman County then you need to check out this ranch located south of Santa Anna. This ranch consists of 368 acres of good hunting land with good cover of liveoak, cedar and mesquite. In addition to great wildlife populations, there are 3 tanks scattered among rolling to rough terrain. The property is representative of the area and offers excellent hunting and recreation. The ranch has also has newly remodeled double-wide mobile home with front and rear decks. This ranch is listed at $2,200 per acre so contact the real estate agent today!

Ranch Realty of Coleman

Ranch Realty of Coleman provides great customer support for their line of complete real estate services to all of customers. Their office is located in the Texas wid-west region where hunting and fishing are considered major industries. Coleman is rich in natural resources which have given life to a diversified economy based on farming, ranching, coal, oil and gas production and other varied industries. The community is surrounded by the refreshing waters of six major lakes, which includes Lake Coleman, lvie Reservoir, Lake Scarborough, Memory Lake, Lake Santa Anna, and Hord’s Creek. In addition to the recreational riches of area lakes, Coleman presents a showcase for outdoor activities.

Also known as the “Hunting Capital of Texas,” the area is home to ample populations of deer, turkey, ducks, dove and quail. The plentiful wildlife is also a boon for non-hunting nature lovers. If you are looking for property in beautiful Coleman County, contact this agent at: